The Morning Circus

Curtain up for the new breakfast teas!

It’s the same chaos every morning. Everyone does their own thing, but not what they should be doing – even though things have to move quickly in the morning!
But now our new “Morning Circus” pyramid bag series is here. It playfully transforms the morning breakfast rush into a circus atmosphere. Five inspiring tea creations that come in convenient pyramid bags for quick preparation.

Whether you are a daring high-flyer, jolly breakfast clown or magical Lord, these bags hold the right tea for everyone to enjoy. And so the morning breakfast circus turns into a harmonious event after all.
Clear the ring for ...

The magic Lord Grey

Come one, come all and meet our magical Lord Grey - Let yourself be mesmerised by our enchanting black tea blend!
An extraordinary creation that peps up the classic Earl Grey with a fine toffee note. The perfect tea for a classical and enjoyable morning.

Flavoured blend of black tea and fruits
Flavour: Bergamot, Toffee

The cheerful Granatino Organic Tea*

Clear the ring for the cheery Granatino! A balanced blend of green tea and herbs with lemongrass, ginger and green maté combined with a fruity pomegranate flavour. Fresh, flavourful and with a light caffeine kick, this tea ensures a dynamic start to the day.

Naturally flavoured blend of green tea and herbs
Flavour: Pomegranate
* Certified organic, DE-ÖKO-006

The daring Mr. Turmeric

This zesty and sweet blend of spices is a true taste explosion. Aromatic spices of turmeric, cinnamon and ginger are complemented with the sweet flavour of maple syrup. Prepared with milk, this tea blend adds the right kick to the morning.

Flavoured blend of spices and fruits
Flavour: Cream, Turmeric, Maple syrup

The fearless Fruit-Eater

This fruit melange is irresistibly delicious. The intense flavour of strawberry jam with a fine creamy note ensures tea enjoyment that just might be addictive. For those who like a fruity, sweet treat in the morning, this tea creation is the perfect partner.

Flavoured fruit melange
Flavour: Strawberry jam


The enchanting Dream Team Organic Tea*

This harmonious herbal blend delivers a real treat in the morning. The tantalising taste of pineapple makes this balanced herbal blend of apple mint, lemon verbena and barley grass a very harmonious breakfast delight.

Naturally flavoured blend of herbs and fruits
Flavour: Pineapple, Apple
* Certified organic, DE-ÖKO-006

Enjoyment, convenience and sustainability

Our new recipe for success

With our new “Morning Circus” pyramid bag series, our goal is not only to bring a good mood to the breakfast table, but also put a high priority on the sustainability aspect of teabag packaging. “Enjoy with confidence” – exactly what you are accustomed to from Wollenhaupt! Therefore, we are very pleased that the materials used for our “Morning Circus” series meet increasing demand for greater sustainability in the packaging sector:


  • FSC-certified folding boxes made from natural, renewable materials (wood fibres)
  • Inner foil of the individual flavour-protecting paper bag consists at 90 % of cellulose and is bio-degradable
  • Teabag material consists at 100 % of renewable and bio-degradable raw materials

Do you want your individual “Morning Circus”?

In addition to sensory and sustainability aspects, we have also had an eye on individualisation when developing this series. On the basis of the existing recipes, the packaging concept can be individualised with customised printing of the outer foil for the individual teabags as well as of the variety labels on the folding box.

We will be happy to discuss your customisation needs, clarify technical questions and decide on minimum quantities.
Just contact us!

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